Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Night and Everything is Alright

Alright, Alright

I have been looking forward to today all week. I know, it's Friday, who hasn't been, right? Summertime Fridays typically include a post-work week beverage (lately it's been wine), a little grilling, and sitting on the patio with the hubsters while the kids run around in the yard. I, like most people with a M-F/9-5, look forward to the ritual that is Friday. 
This Friday will be different though. Today, I will be leaving work a little early to be screened as a potential participant in a Fibromyalgia study.  I've never participated in anything like this before, although once considered it several years ago.  I didn't participate in the first study for one particular reason: the side effects outweighed the benefits of the risk, and that scared me.

Avoidance is not always the best medicine

After having a not so positive experience with medications in 2008, I've avoided pharmaceutical treatment of my condition. In part, my avoidance comes from fear; I've been afraid of the side effects, afraid of the cost, and mostly afraid that the medication just won't work. The other part of my avoidance is a combination of my dislike for pharmaceutical companies and my desire to treat my Fibro symptoms as naturally as I can. Let's be honest, there isn't a magic pill for EVERYTHING, if there were (and it didn't cost your weight in gold), we would have a cure for AIDS, cancer, and any other disease that plagues our world. 
Sometimes it takes exercise and eating right to be healthy, and the responsibility for our health falls on us. I don't expect my husband, brother, mother, or doctor to tell they are sorry for my health issues; they aren't the cause of my condition and technically, I'm not either. However, I am in control of how I treat my condition and am therefore responsible for making sure it doesn't interfere with my daily life too much.
So, I have been avoiding prescription medications for my Fibro for some time, relying too much on over the counter, anti-inflammatory medications (which are just not enough for someone with my high level of pain). 

Diving In

Friday. Today. That's when I will be screened for the new study. I won't be going into details about it (unless they say I can). I stuck my big tow in and weighed the risk of the side effects against the benefit of participating. The side effects don't seem as bad as the first time I considered participating (less likely to gain weight, sweat more, and feel dizzy). I'm going completely out of my comfort zone to try this, to be part of an experiment that may help the Fibromyalgia community and potentially myself.  The thing is, I'm looking forward to it. I'm not as stressed about the side effects, but am more concerned I won't qualify.  What makes me look forward to the study the most though, is that there is a potential for the pain to stop. I would love to know what its like to live on a pain scale of 2, 3, or 4, and not a 6 or higher. I'm hoping I get to experience that, even if it's only for a 10 week trial.
I'll let you know how it goes.

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