Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Medications: Day 1

That's my girl on her dad.
Whoa, so not prepared for the first evening on the new meds. Savella is the type of medication where you have to introduce your body to it slowly, and let it build up in your system.
My first mistake was thinking I could eat a Frosty from Wendy's and then take the first dose and be fine. Such was not the case.
About 30-45 minutes after I took the first and lowest dose, I had some nausea and dizziness. It was so uncomfortable that I had to lay down in my car (we were out grabbing dinner and running errands) while my family finished dinner and made a grocery run. I was definitely out of it, so much so that I was slurring my words and not making much sense.
When we got home, I chowed down on some ramen noodles and felt so much better. The combination of more food, quiet and rest helped a lot. After that, I did feel better. I rested better too. I have to say it was one of the better sleeps I've had in a long time.
Tonight will be the second time I take the lowest dose and I will be better prepared. I have over the counter, anti-nausea chewable tabs, almonds, and more ramen.
I start classes tonight, so I'll have to wait till later to take my second dose, but at least I know better how to deal. The first night side effects weren't great, but I know I have to keep trying so I can get better and I am still trying to be positive (although more than anything I want to go home, skip class, and curl up in my sweats with my dog- see photo- and a good book).

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