Perspective: How it all started

I've shared how my journey began and in all honesty it wasn't easy. I'm constantly trying to wrap my head around my diagnosis, trying to understand what I'm feeling about it and how I am going to cope with it. My view point changes from day to day, and with the severity of my pain, and I still find myself in denial. I started this blog as a way to understand my personal experience with Fibro and also in the hopes that I can help others understand their own experience or the experience of friend or loved one with a diagnosis. I hope readers are compelled to share their stories here, to find an understanding friend, and find resources that may help them through their own journey of a Fibromyalgia diagnosis. I am in no way, shape or form a medical expert, and I encourage those seeking to manage their pain to consult their primary care physician for additional information and assistance. I can only give insight into what my experience has been, and what I am working on to manage my own pain. With that said, if you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and find my blog helpful, then I am glad; I hope for this to be a place of sharing.

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