Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Perspective: Sharing Words of Wisdom

Mind Deep: Loosening Mind's Bad Habits

Today my mom sent me a link to a wonderful blog she follows, after we had talked last night about relaxation practices. I told her I was blogging, what I was blogging about it, and what direction I want to go with my blog.  Last night it all made sense to me, as it had before I started blogging- my reasons for writing and sharing- and then today I was reading some amazing posts and information from the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association, and I realized I am not doing enough to manage my own pain, not in the way I think I should. It shook me a little; how can I share my experiences if I'm not even really taking care of myself the way I should be or even could be. 

Only after I had opened the message from my mom did I realize I can't let negativity become rooted in my mind. My personal negative thinking was (and still is in some respects), feeds on itself and I am guilty of letting it.  I am now following the Mind Deep blog, and recommend that you check it out. Here is the post my mom shared: Mind Deep: Loosening Mind's Bad Habits. 

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