Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reflective on Politics and the Ignorant Things People Say

Last night, Ann Coulter tweeted this hateful statement: "I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard."

First of all, I have a younger brother with a disability, my family and I have fought long and hard against this kind of hatred. Having lived through several years where people used this word to describe him, and experiencing how detrimental this type of bullying is to a person's self-esteem, I found her statement to be rude and offensive.

Second of, I have to be honest; I had to Google Ann Coulter last week. I usually get my news from outside media sources like The Guardian and BBC, and more often the "Liberal" media sources like NPR, and didn't realize just how rancid a human being she actually is, until I saw some of the things she says on Twitter (like calling the President the "r" word or saying parents should disown their gay children).

I shouldn't really be surprised by how ignorant or down right hateful people can be, but for some reason- maybe its because I allow my faith in humanity to be restored every so often- Ann Coulter's comments do surprise and, of course, offend me.

So, how do I respond? How do those of us that find her offensive continue to respond? Clearly, I am only one person among many and writing a well thought out letter confronting these offenses would do nothing. Why doesn't her PR Rep stop her in the first place? What makes matters worse is that I am sure she has "followers" and "fans" that not only agree with her and share her opinions, but also teach and preach these opinions to their children, family, friends, and neighbors. Ignorance, hate, intolerance, and social injustice is a parasitic condition facing our nation. Perpetuating this condition will only serve to further divide an already increasingly segmented and divided country.

It's not about being a Liberal or a Conservative, it's about being a good person- a good American or citizen of the world (we do live in a globalized world)- who is accepting, tolerant, understanding, educated and informed. We cannot speak of equality, if our actions do not reflect what we say we believe. If you don't agree with the political stance a person or candidate takes, make a well-thought out argument against their platform and suggested policies. Name calling only makes you look ignorant.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Medication: One Month In Reflection

I wanted to write sooner, but life has gotten busy. School has picked up again, and I have been focused on reading (lots of reading) and writing (there should be more, but I'm a little behind).
After 1 month on Savella, numerous web searches for drug interactions, phone calls to the Nurse Practitioner at my doctor's office, and two follow up visits (1 for vein health), I think the prescription is working. I've adjusted my eating habits to have a heartier and healthier breakfast: either organic oatmeal or Greek yogurt and a raw granola bar (I love Fage Peach Greek Yogurt and KIND Coconut Almond Bars- plus KIND has this amazing mission to give back to the global community, which as a sociologist, I get so jazzed about).  I drink a lot more water than I did before I started the meds and am trying to maintain a regular sleep pattern.

From my mother-in-law's garden.
I don't have much more to say about the experience other than to express my gratitude and that's it's been really positive.  I am so thankful I was able to talk openly with my doctor about what I needed and wanted to try, for the staff at the study I wanted to participate in for giving me a wake-up call, and for my husband who has walked this path me.  I am grateful that I have the clarity of mind I had before my diagnosis. I am grateful that I can function better- no sleeping on the couch after work, no naps in my car at lunchtime, and less painful steps first thing in the morning.

Now that I am better than I have been in a long time, I have a few agenda items to take care of. First and foremost, I need to get back on track with my thesis. For that, it will take reading, writing, and editing. I'm planning to do a content analysis of social networking sites, like Twitter, to better understand how social movement organizations create a sense of solidarity with their supporters, activists, and followers. It's very interesting and difficult as a new Twitter user not to skew my own data by tweeting and retweeting some of the organizations I follow. I've been called a nerd for my interests and growing knowledge on the subject, but I really don't care. It's almost funny to me now to see the look on people's face when I try to explain to them what I am doing, or what I hope to do at least. I love what I'm pursuing and that is all that matters- well that and the end result.

The second most important thing I plan on working on is my health. I've been out of shape for some time now, and I'm ready to get moving again. I've scoped out a few gyms and am planning on joining the Y; their sliding scale family rates are great and we are on a budget- so that matters. Plus the kiddos can take swim lessons, go to camp, and have a free place to hang out while my husband and I workout (or attempt to).

Finally, I need a hobby that is about me. While I love to read and have read some great books (which I will write another post on), I really want to get back to doing the things that make me uniquely me. I miss taking photographs with my dad's old camera, I miss going to yoga class, and I really miss playing the piano. I want to save up to get my piano fixed (it was my great Aunt's piano and the keys need to be refelted) and then I want to take lessons again. I tried playing the guitar, but the I can't turn my wrists the right way without experiencing some pain. I think I'd also like to be crafty too; I'd love to learn to sew, repurpose old furniture, and make our living space more organized and functional (can you tell I play on Pinterest way too much?).

So that's what I've been thinking about and working on this last month. I hope by my next reflective post I have at least started one of things things and continued it for more than a week. I'll let you know. In the meantime, if you are considering talking to your doctor about medication for your FMS, consider your options, do your research, and ask a lot of questions.  It has been so worth it for me to come out of my medication naivety, and to start taking better care of myself. It's helped me emotionally and physically, and now I can start focusing on living again.

Shoes: The Hunt Begins

When I think of shoes, I think of many things:

YouTube videos:
"Ohmygod, shoes."

"Shoes; I couldn't stop thinking about them."- I kept thinking about the "Ultimate Dog Teaser" video that went viral a few months ago on YouTube. I couldn't stop laughing at it the first time I saw it, and I swear I laughed so hard my sides were hurting.  I must have watched it 10 times first time I saw it (obviously, I had to share it with my friends), and occasionally I find myself tempted to look at it again, just for the comic relief.

Quotes from In Her Shoes (thank you IMBD for the reference)
Maggie Feller: Shoes like these should not be locked in a closet! They should be living a life of scandal, and pasion and getting screwed in an alleyway by a billionaire while his frigid wife waits in the limo thinking that he just went back into the bar to get his cellphone. These are cute too.
Rose Feller: Please tell me you just made that up.
Maggie Feller: Look, if you're not going to wear them... don't buy them! Leave them for someone who's going to get something out of them.
Rose Feller: I get something out of them! When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit.

The rush I get when I walk into a shoe warehouse like DSW and the smell of new shoes surrounds me, and I find myself wanting to try on everything- including shoes I would never consider wearing or would ever wear, but want to own just for the sake of owning. this usually includes shoes with some sort of animal print, formal shoes, and to-the-knee boots (you may know them by their other, less blog appropriate name "f*** me boots"). Whew, that felt good.

Now, I don't know how most people are, but I am a woman who loves my shoes. When I was in college, I was passionate about pink.  Pink makes my skin look fresher and clear, and it, as my grand-step mom Marion would say "It goes with everything." So, when I graduated, I wore a pink floral dress that had just a little bit of pink tulle under the skirt and the most magnificent, perfectly pink suede shoes.  The toe was pointed and the heel was about 2" high.  They made my feet look a little less hobbit-ish and my legs look a little longer. They looked great with everything- dresses, jeans, slacks (navy and black). I quite honestly think they were made for me.  In one word they were STELLAR. I will never forget them (RIP perfectly pink shoes). I wore those shoes through graduation, through the rain, to meetings, to bars, on dates and job interviews.  I wore them till they wore out, and when they did I packed them into a shoe box and said goodbye. I didn't know at the time that I probably would never find another pair of shoes quite like that and it may seem silly, but I have been on the hunt for another perfect pair of shoes since 2010, only this time my criteria has changed.

When it comes down to it, all I want to do for this post is talk about buying a pair of shoes that won't destroy my feet and cause me to spin into a Fibro flare. When I was younger, I never thought about how my shoes would impact the rest of my body, with the exception of whether or not the shoe just didn't fit- literally (and I guess figuratively too). 

Now that I've become more Fibro conscious, I am very particular about my wardrobe, especially when it comes to my feet.  For the last couple of years, I've primarily purchased flats and wedges for work. I've found these styles to sort of work for me, but they are always the best. Flats tend to cause pain in my heels and arches.  Wedges work well, but the balls of my feet can hurt and I find my legs get tired a lot faster (again, I try not to exceed 2" and never anything more than 3").  I also usually wear comfortable and sensible shoes into work, and then change at the beginning and end of each day.

Currently, I have a pair of gray wool blend wedges for the fall/winter, a pair of black patent flats for anytime (both from Payless), and a recently purchased but not yet worn pair of black patent wedges with a black and white patent bow I bought from TJMaxx (I think they are by Etienne Aigner).  I also have a pair of suede platform heels (3") that I wear for weddings.  When it comes to actually wearing anything with a heel, I get a little nervous for 2 reasons (and the first is ridiculous). 1) I am so self conscious about my weight and body that my wardrobe is limited.  I don't wear a lot of skirts and dresses, as much as I love them, and I usually wear darker colors to hide the 40 pounds I've put on since my diagnosis (I'm only 5'3", so any weight gain shows). 2) I'm nervous about the effect the types of shoes I wear will have on my feet and my overall level of pain.  Because of these reason, I usually stick to what's safe and affordable. Well, too bad so sad for me- this isn't working anymore and I'm going to have to branch out. Weekends, I still plan on sticking to my tennies, birks, and TOMS (unless attending a formal event).

So, I am on a mission: to find the perfect pair of shoes.
Here is my criteria:
  1. Comfort- I have to be able to walk
  2. Style- Following Marion's golden rule, it will need to go with everything (nude, black, gray or navy)
  3. Style 2- They should be age appropriate- not too old and not too young. I know I have pain issues, but for Pete's sake, I don't want to wear a pair of shoes that look like I bought them off an old lady (no offense old ladies, I love ya, but I'm not there yet).
  4. Comfort 2- I need shoes that will support my high arches and that won't pinch.